Late Night with the Devil
Late Night with the Devil
Australia, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, 2024, 93 min
Filme / Horror
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Director:Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes
Stars:David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal Bazzi, Ingrid Torelli, Rhys Auteri, Georgina Haig, Josh Quong Tart, Steve Mouzakis, Paula Arundell, Tamala Shelton, Christopher Kirby, Gaby Seow, Elise Jansen, John O'May, Clare Chihambakwe, Amelie Mendosa, Grace Cummings, Michael Ironside, Andre Switzer, Declan Fay, Milena Berhane, Leah Wilbraham, Chase Kauffman, Miranda Bloom, Mitchell Brotz, Caspian Dezfouli, Rod Lara, Nicole Chapman, Steven Kwon, Imaan Hadchiti, Farhad Zaiwala, Jarrad Pidoto, Paddy Shiels, Aya Cairnes, Gerasimos Grammenos, Pearl Grammenos, Adam Batt, Raoul Salter, Janine Lum, Rik Brown, Scarlett Varga, Sarah Lorey, Tiare Skeats, Anna van Guens, Arkie Simpson-Purdon, Daisy Anderson, Joel Anderson, Miles Brown, Scott Purdon, Quincy Simpson-Purdon, Jason Rout, Jeff Schwisow, Michael McArthur, Jason Marion, Angus Neale, Julia Pretto, John Leary, Déborrah Moogy Morgan
Production:Spooky Pictures, Future Pictures, Good Fiend Films, Image Nation Abu Dhabi, VicScreen, AGC Studios
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