The Zone of Interest
The Zone of Interest
Poland, United Kingdom, United States of America, 2023, 105 min
Filme / Drama / History / War
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Director:Jonathan Glazer
Stars:Christian Friedel, Sandra Hüller, Johann Karthaus, Luis Noah Witte, Nele Ahrensmeier, Lilli Falk, Anastazja Drobniak, Cecylia Pekala, Kalman Wilson, Medusa Knopf, Maximilian Beck, Andrey Isaev, Julia Babiarz, Stephanie Petrowitz, Martyna Poznanski, Zuzanna Kobiela, Benjamin Utzerath, Thomas Neumann, Klaudiusz Kaufmann, Justyna Szklarska, Kacper Piwko
Production:A24, Film4 Productions, Access Entertainment, PISF, JW Films, Extreme Emotions
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