The Loneliest Boy in the World
The Loneliest Boy in the World
United States of America, 2022, 90 min
Filme / Comedy / Horror
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Director:Martin Owen
Stars:Max Harwood, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Susan Wokoma, Evan Ross, Tallulah Haddon, Hammed Animashaun, Ashley Benson, Ben Miller, Alex Murphy, Jacob Sartorius, Zenobia Williams, Mitchell Zhangazha, Sam Coleman, Nicola Roberts, Benjamin Nealon, Carol Anne Watts, Mia Savelle, Martin Owen, Leuan Evans, Carys Eleri, Alexa Jones-Young, Nick Wright, Emma Wilkes, Rebecca Harris, Stephen Agnew, Laura Collins, Dimeji Ewuoso, Jasmine Armfield, Nicholas Stone, Alice Collett
Production:Future Artists Entertainment, Great Point Media, Lip Sync Productions, Voltage Pictures
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