Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon
Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon
United Kingdom, United States of America, 2022, 106 min
Filme / Fantasy / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller
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Director:Ana Lily Amirpour
Stars:Jeon Jong-seo, Kate Hudson, Ed Skrein, Evan Whitten, Craig Robinson, Lauren Bowles, Serene Lee, Cory Roberts, Kyler Porche, Michael Carollo, Anthony Reynolds, Jennifer Nguyen Vo, Altonio Jackson, Donna DuPlantier, Rosha Washington, Joshua Shane Brooks, Tiffany Black, Amy Le, Mia Tillman, Renell Gibbs, Sylvia Grace Crim, Peggy Gou, Jibrail Nantambu
Production:Le Grisbi Productions, RocketScience, Black Bicycle Entertainment, 141 Entertainment, wiip
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