Mother of the Bride
Mother of the Bride
United States of America, 2024, 90 min
Comedy / Family / Romance / Filme
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Director:Mark Waters
Stars:Brooke Shields, Miranda Cosgrove, Benjamin Bratt, Sean Teale, Rachael Harris, Chad Michael Murray, Wilson Cruz, Michael McDonald, Tasneem Roc, Dalip Sondhi, Sahajak Boonthanakit, Sue Swallow, Keith Shillitoe, Phukit Manowong, Kittiya Kanjanakom, Bill Heinecke, Bethany Nicole Cummins, Kimi Pillay, Amber Silk, Mohamed Abdelrhim, Paul Hendrik Scholten, Angus McNab
Production:Brad Krevoy Television, Motion Picture Corporation of America
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